Friday, March 28, 2008

Normal Values

As you have probably noticed, there are many variables where goats are concerned. Normal values and variations are given in the information below. Temperature, pulse, respiration and rumen motility may all vary outside the normal when a goat is ill, but these values are also different for kids than they are for adults. Kid temperatures are about one degree higher than adults. Body temperature fluctuates throughout the day, dropping to its lowest point between midnight and early morning. Then it gradually climbs during the day, peaking late afternoon and early evening. Exercise, excitement, high ambient temperatures and prolonged exposure to the sun can all elevate body temperature. Digestion, estrus and drinking large amounts of water can also alter the normal body temperature a little higher or lower than normal. Overweight animals are far less efficient at maintaining body temperature - they overheat sooner and respond to treatment more slowly. When rumen function is impaired in the normal goat, the body temperature can fall significantly. The rumen is the basic source of heat production, so we need to pay particular attention to it, and maybe even give it a jump-start, to make sure it works sufficiently during illness. It is often a good idea to take evaluate normal values in more than one animal of the same approximate age to get a good reading on a questionable animal.
Temperature, respiration and rumen motility are the three most important criteria to use to determine whether or not a goat is ill. Learn how to measure these on healthy animals to avoid stressing yourself out when you think you have a sick one. Buy a rectal thermometer.
Although many different authors say that 104 F is within a normal range, I have always found that a goat with that high a temperature is ill. At that temperature, a sick goat will usually go off feed and become lethargic.
The key to recognizing illness is watching behavior. When you are an observant herd manager, any odd behavior is worth investigating.

Temperature (One degree lower in the morning, take at the same time every day): 101.5o - 104.0o
Respiration: 12 - 15 per minute
Rumen Motility: 1 - 4 per minute
Rumen pH: 5.5 - 7.0
Pulse: 70 - 80 per minute
Estrus Length: 12 - 48 hours
Estrus Interval: 16-24 days
Gestation Length: 144 - 155 days
Blood pH: 7.35 ± 0.30
Urine pH: 7.2 - 8.0
Salivary pH: 8.2 - 8.6